• chevron_rightHow much are the HOA dues?
    Dues are $120 per annum for an improved lot; and $30 per annum for an unimproved lot. 
  • chevron_rightWhen is the HOA fee due?
    Fees are due January 31th of the current year.
  • chevron_rightTo whom should I make my HOA fee check payable to?
    Shady Oaks Georgetown Home Owners Association inc.
  • chevron_rightWhere should I mail my HOA fees?
    Shady Oaks Estates HOA
    1530 Sun City Blvd., Suite 120
    Box 473
    Georgetown, TX 78633
  • chevron_rightWhat are the rules and requirements regarding outdoor water usage?
    Georgetown City Council approves two-day watering schedule, new drought plan:
    City Council approved the first reading of amendments to two ordinances related to water conservation at its meeting Tuesday.
    The changes update the City’s water use requirements ordinance to make the current two-day watering schedule for irrigation systems and hose-end sprinklers the permanent watering schedule.
    The new, permanent two-day watering schedule for irrigation systems and hose-end sprinklers is based on the last digit of customers’ street address.
    Address ends in:
    May water these days:
    1, 5, 9  Tue. and/or Fri.
    2, 4, 6, 8  Wed. and/or Sat.
    0, 3, 7  Thu. and/or Sun.
    The two-day schedule spreads watering over six days each week in order to balance demand on the water system. Irrigation is not permitted on Mondays. Monday is reserved as a recovery and maintenance day for the system.
    Watering with an irrigation system or hose-end sprinkler should not be done between the hours of noon to 7 p.m. each day. Watering with hose-end sprinklers must comply with the new schedule. Use of a hand-held hose or bucket can be any day and at any time. Other outdoor water uses such as vehicle washing or filling a swimming pool can be done any day at any time.
    Violations of the irrigation schedule may result in fines.
    Drought Contingency Plan: 
    A second ordinance change updated the city’s Drought Contingency Plan to reflect new triggers for additional watering restrictions based on drought conditions. Upon approval of the second reading, the plan calls for mandatory one-day per week watering schedule for all customers when certain triggers are met. Those triggers are tied to the City’s water treatment capacity, the volume of Lake Georgetown and Lake Stillhouse Hollow, and a variety of other factors. Council will hear the second reading at its April 23 meeting.
    The City is offering three new rebates for customers to improve the efficiency of their irrigation systems. Customers can receive $150 in rebates for each of the following programs: changing their irrigation system from a spray system to a drip system, converting spray nozzles to multi-stream nozzles, or installing a wi-fi enabled “smart” controller to help irrigation systems run more efficiently.
    Please visit gus.georgetown.org/water/rebate for more information.
    A reminder to all customers: #NoWateringMonday.  Monday is a recovery day for the water treatment, storage, and distribution system.
  • chevron_rightWhen is refuse collected?
    If Al Clawson is your provider - refuse is collected every Wednesday and recycled material is collected every other Wednesday.  Place your cans out Tuesday evening - they come early.
    If your provider is the City of Georgetown (and collected by Texas Disposal) - refuse is collected every Thursday and recycled material is collected every other Thursday.
  • chevron_rightIf I fly an American flag, are there Do's and Don'ts I should adhere to?
    Yes there are.  Please review etiquette dos and don'ts at:
  • chevron_rightWhy shouldn't I feed deer or other wildlife?
    TPW-2 Deer Education
    TPW Deer Education